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Susan Orr is a Habitat Advisor for St. Louis Audubon’s Bring Conservation Home program (BCH). She first learned of the BCH program in 2011 when our Director of Programs, Mitch Leachman, visited her Missouri Master Naturalist training class and presented it, hoping to recruit volunteers. Susan “immediately felt BCH was for her” and signed-up for a yard consultation and habitat advisor training. She was one of just 17 landowners who participated in the pilot phase, helping Mitch and his planning committee prove the program’s concept. The following spring, Susan joined the inaugural training class for volunteer Habitat Advisors. To date she has participated in nearly 70 BCH consultations!
Susan moved to St. Louis in 1987, having spent her life to that point in upstate New York. She currently lives in unincorporated St. Louis County, just a mile from one of her favorite places – Greenscape Gardens (a frequent partner and sponsor of BCH activities)! Susan likes St. Louis a lot, but one of her most favorite things is having a winter that is at least two months shorter than New York.
Susan’s favorite ‘bird or critter’ is the White-tailed Deer, a surprise since she lives in ‘deer country’ and has to go through a lot of trouble to protect her many native plants from them. In spite of that, she said “it still gives me a thrill to see these majestic animals in my yard and walking down our sidewalks. Several years ago we were very surprised to find a newborn fawn eight feet from our back door. Animal rescue assured me the mother would come back for it and she did.”
Susan’s favorite plants include the Royal Catchfly (Silene regia) – for its stunning color and use by hummingbirds, and the Cup Plant (Silphium perfoliatum) – which can reach over 8 feet high, delivers a privacy screen beside her patio and feeds bees when in flower and goldfinches with its seeds.
Susan said that each BCH consultation, “has been fun and educational. I always find the BCH homeowners interesting, enjoyable and no two are alike.”
When asked why she chooses to spend her time with St. Louis Audubon, Susan said, “BCH keeps me feeling young by having something I feel passionate about and feel I am making a difference in the world.”
Thank you, Susan, for all that you do! We are so thankful to have you on our team!