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Please join in for our seventh annual St. Louis area Birdathon! You can have a great time birdwatching while supporting a great cause. Please understand that this event is a major annual fundraiser for St. Louis Audubon! This is why we charge a registration fee, and why it’s so important that you solicit support from your own friends, relatives, neighbors, and colleagues.

Your participation, and the contributions you raise, will help us focus on these priorities:

Creation of habitats for native plants and animals

(through our BCH program)

Conservation activities that make St. Louis safer for migrating birds

(check out BirdSafeSTL)

Nature education for kids and adults

(explore some programs)

Study and observation of birds and other living things

(with guided field trips)

Advocacy for wildlife and the environment

(view our Case Statement)

Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience.

The whole month of May is available to you, and it’s easy to participate. These three options are not mutually exclusive; you could do more than one.

Here are ways to participate:

  1. Birding by the day. Learn more.
  2. Birding by the month. Learn more.
  3. Bird appreciation. Learn more.

Your next step will be the registration page. Go there now and sign up! You will immediately receive an email acknowledging your registration and payment.

If you can’t take part personally in a birding activity, you can help by supporting a team or an individual. If you use the “Donate Now” button, be sure to check the box and name the team or individual you are supporting.

Donate Now  Pledge (Pay Later)

AREA COVERED: In general, Birdathon counts must stay within the greater St. Louis area as defined here: Missouri: City of St. Louis and counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson, Lincoln, Pike, Warren, Franklin, Washington, St. Francois, and Ste.Genevieve. Illinois: Counties of Pike, Calhoun, Jersey, Madison, St. Clair, Monroe, Clinton, Bond, and Fayette. BUT please note that individuals or groups from anywhere are welcome to come to our area and participate!

Final result: The cumulative, communal list

St. Louis Audubon will attempt to keep track of all bird species recorded anywhere in the area by Birdathon participants.

At the end, we’ll display the entire final list amassed by all of us together. This will give us, among other things, some idea of the bird diversity that breeds in or near the Mississippi and Missouri River valleys, or travels through on their spring migration to nesting areas farther north. This will translate our day-by-day enjoyment into a broader picture of our place in the natural world of North America.

Watch for event updates on this page! And, in June, watch for post-Birdathon announcements.

St. Louis Birdathon Sponsors

We invite you to be a conservation champion of 2025! Become a sponsor now!

Audubon Center at Riverlands

Vortex Optics

Together, we can make a difference for St. Louis’s native birds!