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Owls of Missouri

thu25mar7:00 pmthu8:00 pmOwls of Missouri

Event Details

Owls of Missouri – Engineering Marvels

Free Virtual Program on Zoom

Thursday March 25th at 7 pm

Brenda Hente will explore the science behind these widely adaptable birds of prey, including their awesome anatomy and mysterious behaviors. She will describe the four native owl species that live in Missouri and the four owl species that migrate through or visit most years. Videos, photos, and stories will be used to show the habitat and range of each owl, characteristics, vocalizations, nesting and breeding habits, and predator/prey relationships. Come and learn more about “Whooo” is living in the Show Me State!

Brenda Hente has been observing and documenting owls in the St. Louis area since 2010, when she first had a pair of Great Horned Owls living in her backyard.  She researches raptors of all kinds and has studied under world-renowned ornithologists, Scott Weidensaul and Dr. Stephen Kress, at Maine Audubon’s Hog Island camp.  She is also a contracted Instructor for the Missouri Botanical Garden, giving classes on owls and raptors.  Brenda is an educator by day, teaching middle school science and history.

This is the annual joint collaboration between St. Louis Audubon and the Eastern Missouri Group of the Sierra Club. For questions, call contact Amy at

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(Thursday) 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm