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The Missouri Prairie Foundation held a virtual prairie soiree on August 28 as a celebration of prairies and an evening of fellowship with prairie supporters.
David Young, Missouri Prairie Foundation President, commented “Missouri’s remaining prairies are rare and priceless resources. Protecting and promoting them requires hard work and commitment from many people. Our award program recognizes individuals who have made or are making a positive difference in the conservation of Missouri’s prairie legacy, and in promoting and protecting native plants.”
During this year’s event, Mitch Leachman, Director of Programs, was acknowledged as one of those committed individuals. Mitch was awarded with the 2020 Grow Native! Native Plant Pioneer Award. This award recognizes individuals whose past work has been foundational to the advancement of the native plant industry and movement.
Congratulations, Mitch! You are a true champion of conservation.
“MANY thanks to Carol Davit and the leadership at the Missouri Prairie Foundation for the award! Special thanks to Dave Tylka for his partnership, and friendship, in helping create the BCH program. Kudos to the St Louis Audubon Society Board of Directors for their faith and confidence in our business plan. SUPER thanks to the Missouri Dept. of Conservation for their start-up AND sustaining funding and technical support. AND I do not have the words to express my appreciation to all the volunteers that have made the program work! It really does take a village, and this is one village which I’m SO proud to be a part!” Mitch Leachman