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Amy Weeks

ConservationLatest News

Plastic Pollution

Michael Meredith It is one of the most iconic bits of dialogue in the history of motion pictures: Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Benjamin: Yes, sir. Mr. McGuire: Are you listening? Benjamin: Yes, I am. Mr.…
July 1, 2020
Latest NewsVolunteering

Volunteer Spotlight: Susan Orr

Susan Orr is a Habitat Advisor for St. Louis Audubon’s Bring Conservation Home program (BCH). She first learned of the BCH program in 2011 when our Director of Programs, Mitch Leachman, visited her Missouri Master Naturalist training class and presented it, hoping…
July 1, 2020
Latest NewsUncategorized

Framework for Education and Outreach

Mission Educate our community about nature and conservation; Foster awareness, understanding and appreciation for birds and their habitat Education and Outreach Scope: At school level initial focus on K-5 with possible expansion going forward SLAS Audubon Edventures (see below) Limited…
July 1, 2020
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Wood Duck

Wood Duck, Aix sponsa Bill Rowe Here in Missouri we see a wide variety of handsome waterfowl—a well-defined term meaning ducks, geese, and swans—but nearly all of them arrive in the fall, perhaps spend the winter, and then head back north…
June 30, 2020
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia Bill Rowe Sparrows don’t seem to get much respect—or at least they don’t elicit oohs and aahs of admiration as do the brightly-colored warblers, tanagers, and buntings. Yet their patterns are often intricate and handsome in a…
June 25, 2020
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Mississippi Kite

Mississippi Kite, Ictinia mississippiensis Bill Rowe Elegant and classy, Mississippi Kites wheel over rivers, woodlands, and suburban yards and parks in their daily search for prey, which mostly consists of large insects like grasshoppers, dragonflies, and cicadas, although they will also…
June 25, 2020