Educate our community about nature and conservation;
Foster awareness, understanding and appreciation for birds and their habitat
Education and Outreach Scope:
- At school level initial focus on K-5 with possible expansion going forward
- SLAS Audubon Edventures (see below)
- Limited partnerships with school(s)
- Partnership(s) with sponsor organization(s)
- Maintain successful continuing education programs and remain open to new opportunities
- Improve/Expand Bird Walks
- Explore new partnerships with MDC and other organizations
- Reinforce connections with BCH, public policy advocacy, public relations, communications and fund-raising priorities as they pertain to Education and Outreach Mission
Implementation Strategy
Continue and Improve:
Bird Walks
- Find ways to market SLAS and membership – develop brochure/handout material; utilize Board members/Audubon Ambassadors for this purpose
- Expand geographical areas covered – explore partnerships with individuals and organizations who organize regional, national, international birding tours
- Find ways to diversify and extend reach. Examples: young birders program and urban program; revisit relationship with Forest Park Forever; develop formal relationship with St. Louis City/County Libraries; explore relationships with youth groups such as the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts; connect with Missouri River Bird Observatory
Adult Education Programs
- Continue Meramec Community College program
- Continue and expand partnership with St. Louis County Libraries
- Explore ways to generate greater income to support SLAS programming and operations*
Bring Conservation Home
- Find ways to incorporate/formalize education and outreach efforts;
- Develop new fee structure to generate greater income to support SLAS programming and operations*
Participation in Special Events to bring awareness of SLAS and exposure to its mission and agenda
- Examples: Eagle Days, Pelican Days, Earth Day events; include SLAS T-shirts, hats, etc.
- Expect Board members to participate in education and outreach efforts throughout the year
- Staff to prioritize requests and determine sufficient volunteer support
New Initiatives
Develop formal partnerships with selected schools/school districts – see “Audubon Edventures” below
- Begin with a K-5 focus and a bird-centric approach as a way into broader environmental, climate change and community issues.
- Require Memo of Understanding specifying terms and deliverables
- As part of a comprehensive effort to design an SLAS-wide financial strategy develop a financial plan to ensure sufficient income stream to support education/outreach programming*; consider fee offset or sponsor-funding for programing at schools serving high proportion of economically disadvantaged children.
- Limit the number of classroom presentations to ensure quality
- Develop curriculum that focuses on birds and connects to teachers’ curriculum and standards
- Over the longer-term, develop a teach the teachers program targeted at educators, community group leaders, scout leaders, etc.
- Develop digital teaching materials teachers can use
- Develop education and outreach programs in line with strategic goals related to diversity.
- Explore ways to develop content on-line.
Develop new ways to engage volunteers and expand outreach
- Finalize and implement Audubon Ambassadors program
- Find new ways to attract volunteers by developing new opportunities. For example, see attached “Birding Buddies” program outline
- Develop interactions with scouting troops, church and civic groups, summer camp programs to promote SLAS mission via volunteer contributions. For example, run workshops to help scouts achieve some or all the requirements necessary for the Bird Study Merit Badge; identify Eagle Scout project opportunities at schools.
Continue and develop new partnership with other organizations, such as MDC.
- Understand other organizations’ interests and explore how SLAS can help and what financial benefits might flow to SLAS as a result of new partnerships.
Develop new financial, staffing and volunteer models for Board consideration
- Specify priorities and where to partner and where to build
- Seek external support to underwrite education and outreach initiatives*
- Link programming to SLAS strategic priorities; evaluate routinely
- Develop, coordinate, manage, nurture volunteer network across SLAS activities
- Assess VP for education position and revise accordingly
*Hire staff coordinator(s), interns and consultants based on sufficient and sustainable income streams from sources noted above*
“Audubon Edventures”
We create an excitement for learning by providing innovative, quality educational experiences for children, families, schools and the community. This includes a fee for service component similar to programs offered by other local Audubon chapters (see Portland Audubon – audubonportland.org – for example). The fee structure for our Edventures program will be $25 per program, with discounts available for Title 1 schools.
School Programs:
St. Louis Audubon has developed fun and engaging education programs for students in grades 2 through 5. Our learning opportunities have been established to help assist teachers meet the needs of students by aligning our programs with the Missouri Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Programs are 45 to 60 minutes in length.
Home Tweet Home
Discover the relationship between birds and their habitats. Students will explore what a food chain is and how energy is transferred within an ecosystem.
Grades 2 through 4
Habitats, Ecosystems & Food Chains: MLS: 3.LS3.C.1; 3.LS3.D.1; NGSS: 3-ESS2-2; 4-ESS2.4
Birds Have Class
Fur, feathers, skin or scales? What makes a bird a bird? Find out how scientists group animals with a focus on our feathered friends.
Grades 3 through 5
Animal Classification: NGSS: 2-LS4-1
Birds of Prey
Sharp talons, keen eyesight and hooked beaks are characteristics of a bird of prey. Learn how these fabulous fliers play an important role in the ecosystem.
Grades 3 through 5
Adaptations: MLS: 3.LS3.B.1; 3LS3.C.1; 4.LS1.A.1; NGSS: 4-LS1-1