Created for classroom teachers using Pear Deck interactive slides
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About the interactive programs
Each lesson is intended to build on the previous lesson or may be used independently from one another. Lesson 5 is a review of all the lessons and may be used as an assessment tool.
Under each slide, there are teacher notes that will help guide you as you use these lessons in the classroom with your students. You will have the choice to allow your students to go through each lesson at their own pace, or in projector view, you can go through each lesson with your entire class together.
Each lesson should take no longer than 20 minutes for your students to complete. These lessons are made to support and reinforce what you are teaching in the classroom on these topics.
The lessons are fun and interactive, using the “Four C’s of Education” (collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication). Discussion questions are placed within each lesson so that students may discuss with a partner, or with the class together.

Birds of Prey
Grades 2-5
By participating in these five lessons students will discover and explore what birds of prey are, with specific attention to owls, eagles, hawks, falcons, and vultures, and the unique adaptations that help them survive.
Access lesson here.

Home Tweet Home
Grades 2-5
By participating in these five lessons students will discover the relationship between birds and other living things, and their ecosystems, habitats, and food chains.
Access lesson here.

Archway to Migration
Grades 2-5
By participating in these five lessons students will discover and explore what migration is, obstacles birds face during migration, and ways that they can help birds during migration.
Access lesson here.