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Honeysuckle Hack

sat07nov9:00 amsat12:00 pmHoneysuckle Hack

Event Details

Help us continue to clear honeysuckle from the upland forest at Creve Coeur Park!

Register Now

Help us remove the non-native invasive Bush Honeysuckle shrub from the upland forest of the Upper Park at Creve Coeur Park. Bring your favorite lopper or saw.

All projects begin at 9:00 am with registration starting at 8:30 am. All are half-day, ending by noon.

From the park entrance on Dorsett, continue on the main road, past the Go Ape entrance, a ball field, tennis court and restroom. Park after the playground in the 1-way loop drive. We will meet at the Scout Shelter which will be on your right.

We have adopted a variety of procedures to keep you safe while volunteering while understanding that working outdoors has a low risk for disease transmission:

  • The size of volunteer groups will be limited to be able to maintain a safe distance. We will always follow the most current local guidelines for gathering sizes.
  • Advance registration is required.
  • Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age. Those under 18 must have signature of a parent or guardian who also must be present for the project.
  • All volunteers and staff are required to properly wear face masks or coverings (covering the nose and mouth) while working or volunteering with SLAS and a physical distance of at least six (6) feet from other volunteers or the public cannot be maintained. Please bring your own mask.
  • All volunteers will be required to answer three COVID-19 screening questions emailed to you within 24 hours of your volunteer event and must be printed, completed, and submitted when you check-in. Blank forms will be available on-site.
  • Family groups may work together. All others will work on their own.
  • SLAS will provide a limited number of sanitized hand tools, but volunteers are urged to bring their own hand saws and loppers (no power tools, please).
  • SLAS will provide work gloves which will NOT be re-used.
  • SLAS will provide hand sanitizer accessible to all staff and volunteers.
  • Please bring your own water and snacks. SLAS will not provide either.
  • We encourage people with increased risk to COVID-19 to consider staying home.

By registering you also agree to the terms of the liability waiver and release detailed below.

I agree that I will not hold St. Louis Audubon Society, all other sponsors and coordinating organizations, and their respective agents, servants and employees (collectively, the “Sponsors”), responsible for any physical injury or illness, up to and including death, that I may suffer during or as a result of this activity. I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Sponsors from any and all claims, liabilities, and damages that could be asserted relating to my and/or my child’s participation in this activity.

In spite of all precautions taken by St. Louis Audubon, I understand there is still risk of exposure to COVID 19 by participating in this activity. In doing so I voluntarily agree to waive my right to make a legal or monetary claim against the Sponsors in the event that I or any participant becomes injured or ill.

I also authorize any photos or video taken of me, and/or the participant, to be used wholly or in part, in perpetuity for any business purpose by the Sponsors.

I also agree that this Liability Waiver and Photo Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the state of Missouri and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, I agree that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.



November 7, 2020 9:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park

13219 Streetcar Drive

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