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Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Sharp-shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk, Accipiter striatus Bill Rowe The Sharp-shinned Hawk is the smallest of our trio of accipiters—hawks that specialize in hunting other birds—and distinguishing it from Cooper’s Hawk, the middle-sized accipiter, is a famous problem (see Identification). It helps a little…
April 14, 2023
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Limpkin

Limpkin, Aramus guarauna Bill Rowe Why is a Limpkin—a bird of Florida swamps, according to the field guides—our Bird of the Week, and why now, when the warm season is winding down? Simply because this species is basically the Bird of…
December 14, 2022