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Bird of the Week

Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus Bill Rowe Of the many North American flycatchers, the kingbirds (genus Tyrannus) often strike us as having a lot of “personality”—they are handsome, conspicuous, and noisy. And among the kingbirds, surely the most extravagantly handsome and conspicuous is…
June 28, 2022
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Sora

Sora, Porzana carolina Bill Rowe Not everyone has ever seen a rail, so it’s time to introduce them, starting with the commonest and most easily observed of the seven American species: the Sora. This is a robin-sized bird of wetlands small…
May 3, 2022
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Barred Owl

Barred Owl, Strix varia Bill Rowe As you explore the woods, sooner or later you will find yourself looking at a Barred Owl looking at you. There is no implied threat—the bird seems simply curious and imperturbable—but as you gradually approach…
April 11, 2022
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Louisiana Waterthrush

Louisiana Waterthrush, Parkesia motacilla Bill Rowe Mostly unfamiliar to non-birders—and also not a thrush, but a warbler—the Louisiana Waterthrush is tied closely to flowing wooded streams; it nests throughout the eastern United States, except for the northernmost conifer forests and the…
April 11, 2022
Bird of the WeekLatest News

Bird of the Week- Purple Martin

Purple Martin, Progne subis Bill Rowe For some plants and animals, spring begins in February and proceeds through all of March; but if we take the vernal equinox (typically March 21) as the official change-of-season, the Purple Martin becomes the perfect…
March 30, 2022